Archive for June, 2007

How to read the Comments in a pdf with acroread (not evince)

Comment You know the picture on the left? You have a pdf-document with comments? You hover over it with evince and what happens? Nothing! I searched for information about how I can read the comment in the pdf with the default viewer evince.

Image Hosted by I found nothing so I thought maybe acroread can do this. This is the Adobe Acrobat Reader for Linux. This worked 🙂

  1. Get acroread per sudo apt-get install acroread.
  2. Open your pdf: acroread /path/to/your/file.pdf.
  3. Hover over the comment.

It’s a pity that evince does not support comments. For me the goal

to replace the multiple document viewers that exist on the GNOME Desktop with a single simple application

is not yet achieved. (Printing multiple pages on one A4 sheet does not work too).

HowTo Rename a XFS-Filesystem (label it)

Yesterday I bought a new 500GB harddisk 🙂 It was formatted with NTFS but I wanted a linux-filesystem. I thought I should give XFS s shot because ext3 is working for me now.

I formatted the disk with the GParted LiveCD but you can also do it with gparted installed in Ubuntu (use apt-get install gparted to get it.) To format the the device simply choose the correct harddrive on the left top and then right click the partition and choose Format to > xfs.

I wanted to name it “media” because of its future content. So I tried the “Set Disklabel” Function but this seems to be for anything other than a Disk Label. In Windows it was rather easy to change the name of a disk per F2 but in Ubuntu *ouch*.

After some searching I found a Guide for renaming USB Drives. And you know what xfs was missing 😥 Maybe nobody has an USB Drive formatted with xfs but what about a normal harddisk?

So I continued searching and found a tool collection named xfsprogs. I apt-get it and than wrote xfs in the bash and pressed <TAB> to list the tools.

guru@guru-desktop:~$ xfs
xfs_admin    xfs_copy      xfs_growfs    xfs_logprint  xfs_quota
fs_bmap      xfs_db        xfs_info      xfs_mkfile    xfs_repair
fs_check     xfs_freeze    xfs_io        xfs_ncheck    xfs_rtcp

xfs_admin sounded nice so I read its man page. Here my full proceeding: (Note: Change sdb1 to your disk)

  1. Get xfstools with sudo apt-get install xfsprogs
  2. Unmount the device if it is mounted (sudo umount /dev/sdb1)
  3. Label it with xfs_admin -L media /dev/sdb1
  4. Mount it.
  5. If you formatted it you may have no access to your drive. I solved it by changing the owner to my user instead of root. I do not know if this is the best way, but it worked for me 😉
    sudo chown guru:guru /media/media

Thats it. It would be so easy if it where in the context menu of sdb1 or so.

For other filesystems see: